Sunday, November 17, 2013

Happy "First Post In A Really, Really Long Time" Day!


I don't know.
& there's that.

So, moving on!
I've been working here and there for this and that, sometimes 4 days a week, sometimes like 18 thousand. Either way, I've been incredibly busy saving up for this trip.

36 days of Europe.

& surrounding areas >:)

Flying out to Dublin for one night of knowing the pubs >> and then 10 nights in Scotland >> then 24 nights/days/something in Germany and surrounding areas with my seester and her wee familia. Then a night in London. Then home.

But, let's not get ahead of ourselves.

So, I'm on the countdown. Two weeks. TWO WEEKS PEOPLE.

I've been here figuring out my hostels, trains, planes, buses, FERRIES. Also, fairies. 'Cause they have fairy pools in Scotland. Yeaapp.

I've gotten myself a playlist of incredible music that's been inspiring the shit out of me to listen to > leading up, and during my adventures. I got myself an HD video card > so I can take fancy shmancy videos and pictures that I can show off to you all on my return. I've gotten crazy warm clothes > because I decided to travel to Scotland for their worst winter in 100 years. 'Cause you know... badassery. Until all of this consumes me (because it hasn't yet), I hope to update you all with my travel tips, some inspirational quotes as I put them in my sketch book, some music as I listen to it on repeat, some tips for you young, lonely female travelers who are looking to up their badass points such as myself, and some pictures that I make all pretty for you. To start things off correctly, here's the little map I painted.

Tis a gift.

& so it begins.
Two weeks, lovers!