Friday, June 8, 2012

So, in a little over a week, my summer has completely changed. I had a lot planned out, since plans are my favorite things in the world. I wanted to do a lot of big crafts, mostly to do with our home and getting it back together. I wanted to fix up these old chairs, have a garden, and work on a lot of furniture, recipes, and other little crafty things - but now I'm in Wisconsin. Not complaining. I'm on the fourth day out of two weeks that I'll be here with one of my best friends in the whole wide world. Her name is Clare (: And she has a blog, too! You should definitely check it out here. She's much craftier than I am and has some amazing ideas that she'll be working on this summer. I'm sure you'll enjoy it as much as I do (: Anyway, after I get back from Wisconsin I should be home for about a week, then I'm moving to Germany to au pair (aka a super fancy nanny) for my little niece Verity! So, my summer - and who knows how long after - has been turned a littttle upside down. I'll still be posting some crafty stuff since I'm here with Clare, then a lot more food and teeny crafts when I'm with Mary. Hopefully some dance choreography as well! But definitely a whole ton of pictures from my travels around Europe. I'm going to try out Etsy for selling prints, unless anyone has any other suggestions! I have a few pictures from my flight from Washington DC to Cleveland and another to Minnesota where I surprised Clare (: I'll post that next with some travel tips! Thanks for the idea from my other very best friend, Anne, who I already miss dreadfully <3 I'd love any other suggestions for dances, pictures, crafts, or recipes! I've deleted my facebook, so to get a hold of me you can email me at or if you want prints! Please try to keep in touch (: I'd love to hear from you all!


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