Monday, December 10, 2012

new room

Earlier this year (Friday the 13th of April) we had a chimney fire which decided to mostly hug my room. So, while I was away in Germany, my parents lived in a wee house & planned for months while our home was being repaired. Well, they finally moved back into our lovely home just a few weeks before I got home, and I've slowly been working on my room ever since. There are still many projects I need to work on, so I will add those to my to do list.

My desk is my very favorite place in this whole wide world. I'm always here. I use a little ottoman and tuck myself away in the corner of my wardrobe. It's probably the coziest.

I had no idea what to do with my earrings until I could afford a cute stand, so I had been keeping it all lying on my book shelves, but Mum suggested I hang them on my bulletin board! So I did that (: and I think I may even prefer that to a pretty little stand. We shall see.

When the ceiling fell on my desk it left a lot of white marks all over it, so I want to do something to fix it up. Suggestions would be lovely! I'm also going to find a prettier frame for my mirror & those apple crates will be everywhere (:


I covered my walls with the white lights (: I love running away to my room, especially now that I have some surround sound and my computer in here, so the lights make it even more relaxing. And awesome.

This wardrobe is going to be my big project (: I want to completely fix it up. It has a little mirror inside that I want to replace, then I may paint it some fun color & make it marvelous once more.

My desk is another little project that I just need to touch up, & I'll replace the plastic bins with apple crates!

The little basket to the left was only a few dollars & I had no trashcan, so I'm going to find myself some burlap to line it & make it the prettiest trashcan in the world.

I had nowhere to keep my shoes, so I shoved all the ones I rarely used into my closet & had my favorites under the wardrobe, but they kept slipping back & would get all dusty... and sad. So! I put all of my shoes on a little rug that's easy to pull out, that way none of them slip back & my closet is free & I can have more variety to my wardrobe (:


  1. What if you took fabric to your desk? I can't really tell where the white marks are, but you could get some cool fabric and just glue or iron it on. I've always wanted to do that and apparently you can iron fabric onto your wall..

  2. I have a million comments but I wouldn't remember them unless I read through this whole post again. But here are the ones I remember. I love your desk, and my desk is also my favorite part of my room. And about what clare said, I guess there is this fabric adhesive that is safe on paint and walls, and I was gonna use it to put fabric designs on my wall (my dad said no....) but that would be rly cool if it turned out. annd I did almost the same thing with my shoes! Only they are on these rly shallow plastic trays things that I just pull out. It works wonderfully for what would have been wasted space. Annnd you make me rly wanna actually post stuff in my blog...

  3. I've never heard of that! I'll definitely have to try that with something (: Maybe crates? Thank you ladies!

    And Therese, I'm glad to hear it. You better start posting ;)
