Saturday, September 29, 2012

Carry On

After a quick up-and-go to Germany three months ago, with no return ticket, I have returned. I now have all new ideas for my blog and photography. I want this blog to be a creative outlet for myself and others - with thrift store fashion, creative self portraits, crafts with my nieces and nephews, and recipes as I learn to cook. I'm taking a break from school for who-knows-how-long as I try to pursue my career as a photographer. Once I start making more money and building up a collection of lenses, I plan to go around and find some random photography classes to work more on the technical part of photography, which I know nothing about. Because I will have all this free time without school, this blog is going to be my priority. If I'm not posting enough, I give you permission to slap me and get me back on track. I have a few shoots coming up, I also have a lot of furniture that I need to bring back into shape, I also need to go shopping, and I have thousands of pictures from my time in Europe that need some looking at and editing. This is going to be a very busy blog, and I hope you enjoy keeping up with it (:

I used to call my photography "aBeautifuLove" which I stole from a song that was a favorite a few years back. But with my photography changing, and all of these changes in my life, I wanted the name to reflect that. I like to think of myself as a quirky kind of person, and I also like to think that my photography shows that so I wanted something very different. Serendipity has always been a word I've favored, but one that isn't often used. It has a very unique definition which I feel describes my growth as a photographer. When I started highschool, a lot of my friends were trying out photography, so I figured I might as well join in on the fun. I never knew it would be something I would spend every spare moment and thought on. Photography really is my happy accident, and I hope this blog will be too - but with a lot more work.

I'm truly excited about this blog, this new start, and being as creative as I possibly can, and I appreciate all of those who encouraged me to do this (:

1 comment:

  1. Excellent! Let me know if there's anything I can do to help with the photography :)
