Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Oh, to travel..

I have a lot of favorite things, one of which is traveling. This includes airports - even the sketchy or boring ones - and airplanes. Most people aren’t fans of layovers, but I love them. I love exploring random airports in places you may never visit, or one day hope to visit - the longer the layover the better! Even at 3 in the morning. Also, flights with layovers are normally cheaper & you can cheat and tell people you’ve been to that country/state/city, even if you didn’t lay foot outside the airport. Now: I’m going to lead you all to believe that I am some amazing world traveler, and as such, give you some phenomenal advice for all your future travels.

Try to check your airline’s website when you’re packing. I’m pretty sure every airplane won’t allow more than one fl oz. on your carry on. Even if it’s a larger container with what could be one ounce of liquid, they won’t like that. Or those gel deodorants. If you do bring carry on, try not to bring more than three small bags - I think that may be the limit anyway. I normally just bring one larger one that’s small enough to put under the seat in front of me instead of the over-head compartments. I found out on my last trip that just because a bag says it’s carry on size doesn’t mean it really is, and then you’ll have to check it last minute. So check that online as well! Sadly, luggage does get lost or misdirected. Make sure you pack a change of clothes for your carry on and a tooth brush, just in case you have to go a few days without your main luggage. Also, if you can check the weather of your destination, then you can plan your travel outfit accordingly. So, if you're running away from lovely weather to miserable cold weather, you don't want to step off that plane unprepared. Sometimes they'll set you straight outside instead of walking through those scary tubes. Actually, it might be silly, but what you wear for flights can be pretty important. I probably spend too much time trying to figure that out. You want to be comfortable. If you meet someone (ahem;) worth talking to, they'll appreciate that you aren't wearing heels. More to follow on airplane attire...

But first:
Make sure you get your ID, ticket, and passport out before you reach security. For national flights, they normally ask for any form of photo ID. International just asks for your passport and boarding pass - as far as I’ve seen. If any of you have the worst wallet in the world like me and it is impossible to get your ID out, give yourself time because they need it out of that plastic trap. Or, you could be like me and use it as an excuse to hand your special pillow to the very attractive guy behind you while you hold up the line.
For security, make sure you wear slip on shoes. It’s always kind of rushed, so you don’t want to hold up the line taking your shoes off and then grabbing all your stuff at the end and trying to find a place to sit to put your shoes back on. You’re going to be busy putting your electronics/toiletries back in your bag, reorganizing yourself, moving out of the way, and trying to make your way to your gate. If you can, find an empty spot away from security, and get yourself back together. That would be easier with shoes on. It would be kind of gross walking more than you already have to barefoot.

Most airplanes have these tiny fans above your seat for a little bit of cool air. From what I’ve experienced (when I can reach the little buggers. Another note: wear deodorant. Please. If you‘re quite small like me, you‘ll have to shove your armpit in your neighbor‘s face while you almost stand on the seat to cool down a little..) they are either very, very effective, or there is no change whatsoever. So: wear layers! Lots of them! But make sure they aren’t impossible to take off or put back on so you aren’t bitch slapping the poor soul sitting next to you. I also like to bring socks along with me for longer flights - they’re cozy and useful for covering up the terrible stench TOMS like to leave as well.

On my way to Germany this year, I had a very long layover in Heathrow Airport (England). Because I had no English pounds and didn't know how much I'd need, my sister had a brilliant idea: I went to the Heathrow website to see what sort of coffee shops/restaurants they had there & they had a Starbucks! So I went out and got myself a giftcard here in the US of A so I wouldn't have to worry about having too many pounds that I wouldn't need, or not enough. Tricksy.

Now, try to be a happy traveler. I promise, things will go wrong. But hell, that's the adventure right? Every single time I've traveled I've had something go horribly wrong or a little wrong many times. Not all food will be delicious, not everyone will speak English, and directions may be muddled or lost. Try to remember all the amazing parts and even the not so amazing - those are the best stories. 

Then you get to see some pretty cool stuffs
White Cliffs of Dover - England 2012

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