Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Peppermint Sugar Scrub

Super simple recipe that I'll be using as gifts (: Some of you should not make this till after Christmas.. just in case.

- Two cups of white granulated sugar
as far as the oil, I used a pressed coconut oil which I melted to make it easier to mix with the sugar.. I melted about a quarter cup at a time and I believe it was about three or four different times. You can also use almond oil. The first time I did this I just used whatever I had on hand which was vegetable oil.. I know most people wouldn't like that, but I enjoyed that as well! It just smelled a little funny.

- So, we'll say a cup of pressed oil OR half a cup of regular oil - try a little at a time to get it to the consistency that you like.

- Sprinkle of peppermint extract to smell!

See? easy peasy lemon squeezey!


It makes a fair amount, if you aren't giving this as a gift and just using it for yourself, I'd suggest cutting it or keeping it in a mason jar by the tub (: I use it as a scrub and then shave it off.. it takes a toooon of dead/dry skin off with it, so I wouldn't suggest shaving while soaking in the tub. Grody. But man, does this make your legs smooth as heck.

I found a bunch of these mini mason jars at Home Goods - my favorite place in the world. I painted the lids a light blue while I drank tea, ate cheese, and watched Gladiator.

The scrub is actually really delicious. Santa thought so too.

1 comment:

  1. What a great DIY gift idea! Love this!
