Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Christmas & a New Year

oh, I know.. I know. Over two weeks without a post? What kind of blog is this? Someday, I promise, it will not be so lame (:

Now, let's get down to it. I suppose I owe you all two shouts.




I hope they're the merriest & the happiest of holidays until quite later this year, which I hope beats these two and is even merrier and happier! So on and so forth for the rest of your happier and merrier days.

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So, I bought me some sparklies! I went to Michaels shortly after Christmas and ALL of their Christmas stuff was 80 percent off. I went a little wild. But! I still have to figure out what exactly I want to do with these sparkles. I also bought some cardboard cones, so I think I might make some "Wintery" decorations, seeing as I was a little late for Christmas. Honestly, half the colors aren't truly Christmassy or even Wintery, so I might just keep them up all year round (; rooms deserve some lovin.

This very day I just wanted to get some pictures, so I tried that neat trick (the name has slipped my mind) where you disconnect your lens, keep it close to the camera, let light in, and take pictures that way. A few came out pretty well and interesting (: Might try that more when I take pictures of random things about - rather than self portraits. It was a little tough.

FREELENSING. Thank You Clare (:

I've started working on my cones.. I have no paint brushes, so I outsmarted the task and did a little finger painting. But it still got the better of me.. I have no hot glue gun, and my cheapo glue wont work on my pretty sparkles. So, this may have to wait YET AGAIN.

Thank clucks no one reads this blog :)

1 comment:

  1. Those pictures are nifty. And I read it. with so much love. (:
