I don't know.
& there's that.
So, moving on!
I've been working here and there for this and that, sometimes 4 days a week, sometimes like 18 thousand. Either way, I've been incredibly busy saving up for this trip.
36 days of Europe.
& surrounding areas >:)
Flying out to Dublin for one night of knowing the pubs >> and then 10 nights in Scotland >> then 24 nights/days/something in Germany and surrounding areas with my seester and her wee familia. Then a night in London. Then home.
But, let's not get ahead of ourselves.
So, I'm on the countdown. Two weeks. TWO WEEKS PEOPLE.
I've been here figuring out my hostels, trains, planes, buses, FERRIES. Also, fairies. 'Cause they have fairy pools in Scotland. Yeaapp.
I've gotten myself a playlist of incredible music that's been inspiring the shit out of me to listen to > leading up, and during my adventures. I got myself an HD video card > so I can take fancy shmancy videos and pictures that I can show off to you all on my return. I've gotten crazy warm clothes > because I decided to travel to Scotland for their worst winter in 100 years. 'Cause you know... badassery. Until all of this consumes me (because it hasn't yet), I hope to update you all with my travel tips, some inspirational quotes as I put them in my sketch book, some music as I listen to it on repeat, some tips for you young, lonely female travelers who are looking to up their badass points such as myself, and some pictures that I make all pretty for you. To start things off correctly, here's the little map I painted.
Tis a gift.
& so it begins.
Two weeks, lovers!
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Saturday, January 12, 2013
For any occasion!
Since I've missed every possible one.. They're all different colors anyhow, so keep them up all of the days, and people will praise.
These were so super easy, I just kind of wanted something to do with these sparklies. So, voila.
All I used was
acrylic paint (creamy color)
hot glue gun
cardboard cones from the craft store
It was a total of 8 dollars, because the sparklies were 80% off after Christmas.
Since I've missed every possible one.. They're all different colors anyhow, so keep them up all of the days, and people will praise.
These were so super easy, I just kind of wanted something to do with these sparklies. So, voila.
All I used was
acrylic paint (creamy color)
hot glue gun
cardboard cones from the craft store
It was a total of 8 dollars, because the sparklies were 80% off after Christmas.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
I didn't have any brushes, so of course I fingerly painted.
I bought myself a hot glue gun (: only three dollars at walmart! and worked very well.
also, it's pink. Not my very favorite, so I thought gray would suit. maybe I'll add something pretty to it. like some quotes.
This was the first one I tried.. I can't say I'm a huge fan of how cluttered it is, but I really just went in with no plan of action. So I suppose it turn out reasonably well if you turn it the right way (:
This one I liked much more, I only used the gold and blue and the simplicity made me quite happy with how many knick knacks I have in my room.
I have toooons of these sparklies left over. Any suggestions?
Friday, January 11, 2013
Would you look at that?
Another looong pause between posts!
..So that you don't feel too spoiled, let's start with a wee complaint (:
I absolutely hate how it gets dark out so early in the day.. it makes me sleepy and I always fall asleep at some unreasonable time with nothing done in the evening except maybe a show or some distracted cleaning. So, a long while ago, I decided I would finish these cones. But I lost day light and I'm not much for artificial lighting in pictures. I also lacked a glue gun, almost ran out to get one, then remembered I had no lighting anyway. So, I decided I'd work on a wee blog schedule. One would completely keep me on track (: So I thought. Look at me now! So, the only things I got done that night: I finished signing up for classes for this semester (after this semester I only have TWELVE more credits till my associates degree:), I figured out a payment plan, and I worked on a few pictures that I took earlier that day!
..So that you don't feel too spoiled, let's start with a wee complaint (:
I absolutely hate how it gets dark out so early in the day.. it makes me sleepy and I always fall asleep at some unreasonable time with nothing done in the evening except maybe a show or some distracted cleaning. So, a long while ago, I decided I would finish these cones. But I lost day light and I'm not much for artificial lighting in pictures. I also lacked a glue gun, almost ran out to get one, then remembered I had no lighting anyway. So, I decided I'd work on a wee blog schedule. One would completely keep me on track (: So I thought. Look at me now! So, the only things I got done that night: I finished signing up for classes for this semester (after this semester I only have TWELVE more credits till my associates degree:), I figured out a payment plan, and I worked on a few pictures that I took earlier that day!
& of course my typical black/white
For my blog schedule, I wanted something that I could just print out each week with enough space to write down what I'll do which day & the ideas/supplies/ingredients I need for each one. Now, I'm not graphic designer. I have no fancy programs. I have Picassa & Paint. Yes, Paint. So I really have no idea how to go about this. I'll have to keep working at it. Some day I'll post it all for you to see! If you have any suggestions, please help a girl out (:
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Christmas & a New Year
oh, I know.. I know. Over two weeks without a post? What kind of blog is this? Someday, I promise, it will not be so lame (:
Now, let's get down to it. I suppose I owe you all two shouts.
So, I bought me some sparklies! I went to Michaels shortly after Christmas and ALL of their Christmas stuff was 80 percent off. I went a little wild. But! I still have to figure out what exactly I want to do with these sparkles. I also bought some cardboard cones, so I think I might make some "Wintery" decorations, seeing as I was a little late for Christmas. Honestly, half the colors aren't truly Christmassy or even Wintery, so I might just keep them up all year round (; rooms deserve some lovin.
This very day I just wanted to get some pictures, so I tried that neat trick (the name has slipped my mind) where you disconnect your lens, keep it close to the camera, let light in, and take pictures that way. A few came out pretty well and interesting (: Might try that more when I take pictures of random things about - rather than self portraits. It was a little tough.
Now, let's get down to it. I suppose I owe you all two shouts.
I hope they're the merriest & the happiest of holidays until quite later this year, which I hope beats these two and is even merrier and happier! So on and so forth for the rest of your happier and merrier days.
- - -
So, I bought me some sparklies! I went to Michaels shortly after Christmas and ALL of their Christmas stuff was 80 percent off. I went a little wild. But! I still have to figure out what exactly I want to do with these sparkles. I also bought some cardboard cones, so I think I might make some "Wintery" decorations, seeing as I was a little late for Christmas. Honestly, half the colors aren't truly Christmassy or even Wintery, so I might just keep them up all year round (; rooms deserve some lovin.
This very day I just wanted to get some pictures, so I tried that neat trick (the name has slipped my mind) where you disconnect your lens, keep it close to the camera, let light in, and take pictures that way. A few came out pretty well and interesting (: Might try that more when I take pictures of random things about - rather than self portraits. It was a little tough.
FREELENSING. Thank You Clare (:
I've started working on my cones.. I have no paint brushes, so I outsmarted the task and did a little finger painting. But it still got the better of me.. I have no hot glue gun, and my cheapo glue wont work on my pretty sparkles. So, this may have to wait YET AGAIN.
Thank clucks no one reads this blog :)
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Craft Crate & Runaways
I've finally got my craft crate! I live on a wee farm, so we have plenty that are quite available, but it's a hassle finding some that aren't waaay too out of shape. I'm trying to decide what I'd like to do with it, though. Leave it nice and rustic as it is, add some paint, fabric, or some sort of design? I also have this plain white box meant for moving that has the word "GLASS" scrawled all across it. I'll definitely do something with that, me thinks.
But, until then, I shall be without internet. I'm running away without my phone & computer for just a few days. I'm hoping I'll be somewhat productive and come back with loads of DIYs (:
and a black & white, just for good measure :
But, until then, I shall be without internet. I'm running away without my phone & computer for just a few days. I'm hoping I'll be somewhat productive and come back with loads of DIYs (:
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Peppermint Sugar Scrub
Super simple recipe that I'll be using as gifts (: Some of you should not make this till after Christmas.. just in case.
- Two cups of white granulated sugar
as far as the oil, I used a pressed coconut oil which I melted to make it easier to mix with the sugar.. I melted about a quarter cup at a time and I believe it was about three or four different times. You can also use almond oil. The first time I did this I just used whatever I had on hand which was vegetable oil.. I know most people wouldn't like that, but I enjoyed that as well! It just smelled a little funny.
- So, we'll say a cup of pressed oil OR half a cup of regular oil - try a little at a time to get it to the consistency that you like.
- Sprinkle of peppermint extract to smell!
It makes a fair amount, if you aren't giving this as a gift and just using it for yourself, I'd suggest cutting it or keeping it in a mason jar by the tub (: I use it as a scrub and then shave it off.. it takes a toooon of dead/dry skin off with it, so I wouldn't suggest shaving while soaking in the tub. Grody. But man, does this make your legs smooth as heck.
I found a bunch of these mini mason jars at Home Goods - my favorite place in the world. I painted the lids a light blue while I drank tea, ate cheese, and watched Gladiator.
- Two cups of white granulated sugar
as far as the oil, I used a pressed coconut oil which I melted to make it easier to mix with the sugar.. I melted about a quarter cup at a time and I believe it was about three or four different times. You can also use almond oil. The first time I did this I just used whatever I had on hand which was vegetable oil.. I know most people wouldn't like that, but I enjoyed that as well! It just smelled a little funny.
- So, we'll say a cup of pressed oil OR half a cup of regular oil - try a little at a time to get it to the consistency that you like.
- Sprinkle of peppermint extract to smell!
See? easy peasy lemon squeezey!
It makes a fair amount, if you aren't giving this as a gift and just using it for yourself, I'd suggest cutting it or keeping it in a mason jar by the tub (: I use it as a scrub and then shave it off.. it takes a toooon of dead/dry skin off with it, so I wouldn't suggest shaving while soaking in the tub. Grody. But man, does this make your legs smooth as heck.
I found a bunch of these mini mason jars at Home Goods - my favorite place in the world. I painted the lids a light blue while I drank tea, ate cheese, and watched Gladiator.
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The scrub is actually really delicious. Santa thought so too.
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Risky Black & White
As long as I can remember, black and white photography has been my favorite. I feel like every photo can be improved by turning it black and white, but not everyone feels the same, so I've tried to keep variety. I've also loved photographs that are a little risky & full of emotion, but I've always been scared to post the ones I've taken. But you know what? This is my photography & this is my passion. So I'm posting as much black and white as I'd like & as many absurd or puzzling pictures as I can. I need to make up for the ones I never did share.
From now on I will definitely post every Wednesday and Sunday for a start as I get better at posting, and then any other times between that I can manage. Today I made up all the Sugar Scrub (: Recipe and pictures to follow! Tomorrow I'm planning on running out to our packing shed to find some apple crates for under my desk. Thheeeennn, this is where I will put all of my crafty things so I can start a crafting/project series "Out of the Crate" - hip hip hooray!
On a slightly random note:
At work we had secret santa (: my secret santa was a lovely lady called Elizabeth. She happens to be my very age & petiteness and she enjoys making up songs about lobsters as much as I do. She remembered from one of the very first times that we worked together that I loved leather jackets and wanted one all of my own.
From now on I will definitely post every Wednesday and Sunday for a start as I get better at posting, and then any other times between that I can manage. Today I made up all the Sugar Scrub (: Recipe and pictures to follow! Tomorrow I'm planning on running out to our packing shed to find some apple crates for under my desk. Thheeeennn, this is where I will put all of my crafty things so I can start a crafting/project series "Out of the Crate" - hip hip hooray!
On a slightly random note:
At work we had secret santa (: my secret santa was a lovely lady called Elizabeth. She happens to be my very age & petiteness and she enjoys making up songs about lobsters as much as I do. She remembered from one of the very first times that we worked together that I loved leather jackets and wanted one all of my own.
Isn't she the very, very best?
Well, I'll be back soon with super tasty sugar scrub.
Well, I'll be back soon with super tasty sugar scrub.
ta ta for now!
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